Jen Dunbar
Head of Product Delivery

Connect with Jen

Why did you choose to join Icon?

After more than 30 years working for big banks I wanted to experience working for a different kind of company – one that values and respects its staff, one that I could be proud to work for, and where I could feel like I make a difference. Icon ticked all of those boxes (and still does).

What drives you in your work?

Job satisfaction and a sense of achievement is really important to me. In some large companies bureaucracy can mean that it takes a long time for efforts to bear fruit – and that can be really frustrating. At Icon we have all the controls that we require, but no needless red tape, and people are more empowered to make decisions. This enables us to work much more efficiently, so we see results faster - and that is very motivating for me.

What is your favourite part about working at Icon?

The people. No question about it. I’m extremely fortunate to work with so many talented, inspired and inspiring people – who are also great fun to work with

Connect with Darren

Why did you choose to join Icon?

I joined Icon because i was looking for a new challenge. I had worked for large corporate banks for 34 years and wanted to see if I could adapt to working in a different environment after so long. I also wanted to work for a company whose values and my own were more aligned.

What drives you in your work?

I like to feel I'm adding value and to go home at the end of the day knowing I have achieved something and that I have earned my pay.

What is your favourite part about working at Icon?

It's great to be working with people who are passionate about what they do, and who have fun doing it.

What do you enjoy when you are not working?

I enjoy travel (especially the American South West), cooking, cinema, I follow Formula 1 and am a Chelsea fan.

Interested in working with us?

Email and introduce yourself.